NSF Girlfriend


I believe most of you, have already read on many posts on being an NSF's girlfriend. I'm sad to say that it has come to be my turn to being an NSF's girlfriend.


Things have been 'so far so good' with my bf.. I just hope it will remain like that or become even better as the days pass. 

Few tips I can share with you, that I did/am doing with my bf:

1. Spend more time with him, starting from probably 2 weeks before enlistment
We went out more, spent more time together at home, be it cuddling or just playing on the playstation with him, time spent together would really mean a lot to him. You can also plan small outings to Sentosa to just have fun together. There are so many activities available that are affordable --- luge, trick eye museum, adventure cove, or even USS (if you have enough to spend). Remember to take more photos together whilst having fun!

2. Try to encourage him and cheer him up about NS (if he is upset), before and during enlistment/whilst serving NS
Cheering your loved one on would make him feel at least slightly happier. If times in army are bad, encourage him to pull through. Even if times aren't bad, a simple perk-him-up text just to cheer him on will really brighten his day!

3. Reassure him
Your bf will be feeling insecure, for sure. Be it feeling insecure/worried about your relationship, about leaving his family, about meeting new people, about being punished by his commander(s)/sergeant(s), about sleeping without air-conditioning (LOL idk if he would but I DEFINITELY will BAHAHAHA), etc., he will feel much better when he knows that you're mentally supporting him, that you've got his back (sorta?). 

4. If bad things were to happen to him in camp, feel angry/sad for him, but try not to encourage him to stay angry or sad/add fuel to the fire
With enough bad things happening in camp, you wouldn't want to add fuel to the fire. Instead, try to make things better. Comfort him, calm him down, try to make him happier. Staying angry/sad is not going to change anything that happens in camp. A second being sad/angry is a second being happy lost. I mean ya, wtf do you mean by being in camp = you can be happy? Definitely won't apply to everyone, but I certainly believe that once your bf finds friends whom he can click with, and enjoys being with, everything becomes better in camp. (I know I know, also not I serve NS, talk so much cock/info. may not be applicable, but I have been to camps before, so... I guess its the same rationale?)

5. Be understanding and forgiving
Be understanding about your bf's free time, be understanding about him not being able to call you for long every night, be forgiving that they cannot text you as much as they used to, be understanding that they are very tired from a long day of 0530 to 2230, be forgiving if they neglect you, be understanding that they do not want to be in camp either. They do not have a choice. I'm pretty sure if our bfs did, they definitely wouldn't opt for such a life, of serving the NS for 2 years.

These are the tips that I have, nothing much has happened. But these are the things I've been trying to do, and things have turned out great, for now. Well, as time passes, I'm pretty sure there may be some hiccups that may jeopardise/hurt our relationship, where more tips may arise, but till then, x. 

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