Blank Canvas
08:43Hi everyone!
This is my first post after a super long hiatus from blogging. The reason why I decided to start blogging again is because I've been reading other people's blogs for so long and sometimes when I run out of blogs to read, I get really really bored, so why not start blogging again? Blogging is also another way for me to reconnect with my writing skills, as well as penning down my thoughts. And yeah, cliche as it sounds, of course, blogging is like an online diary - obviously this is a personal blog lol. #notafamousblogger #notintendingtobeone #butifirlybecomeonethenokthanksforyoursupportlol #thinktoomuch yup, I'm obviously joking, duh???
I will be blogging about my travels, food adventures, life, and my opinions and/or sum ups of some issues that I will/have already observed about anything and/or anyone. I am also going to start working out to lose weight, but I have absolutely no idea how successful I will be, cuz' the last time I tried, I gave up. I'll blog about the last time I tried losing weight soon enough, lol. Hopefully the blog is going to be a source that will keep me going(maybe?). I may also blog about fashion on and off, cuz' I really like observing how people dress and LOVE checking out new bags in the market.
I really shouldn't be blogging now? (I have exams coming up on Thursday and Friday whooops) But I have the feels, so #yolo. LOL.
Just to let you guys know, I'm also on instagram! Follow me at @amandacyy! I usually post pictures of my monthly manicures(LOL), food, and dogs(no cats cuz' I'm afraid of them).
I have also just created This is my url: - if you have any questions to ask me, that is.